Wednesday, April 17, 2013

February Candid Part Two

Went in to check the girls one night and found Olivia all cuddled up with a reindeer and baby doll

Ava wrote a book . . .

If you look closely you'll see the "Once upon a time . . ."

Because this is the most logical place to sit and eat popcorn

Digging a tunnel with Daddy - the fun part is that the rest of winter, this tunnel hung around even when the rest of the snow melted and a sweet little bunny made it home.

Olivia's letter to Jesus.

"Dear Jesus, I can't wait to see you.  When will you come see me? I love you so much."

Watching your child learn to read is such a FUN thing as a momma

I have been blessed to be able to volunteer at Lifesong for Orphans for the past year and a half.  Love my time there.  One morning I was set to be there, Grandma was out of town and couldn't watch them so they got to come along.  What better place to watch a movie than in Mom's bag?!

We had one of those magical snow falls in Feb that I just had to pull the camera out.  How it stayed on the trees and houses just made me happy and want life to just pause for a moment.

Our Winter Wonderland - so thankful that God has made this home