Last weekend, Ryan and I went to chicago with some friends that we do a date night exchange with for a day without kids together.
It was so nice to have a relaxing day, find some great deals and yes, take a sit down break at Ghirradelli's! YUM.
While I knew the trip wasn't something my doctor would probably jump for joy at knowing I was doing (that might have been understated), I was convinced I could take it easy, take lots of breaks, and be all right. I mean, the only thing we had scheduled was eating! : )
We made it through the day and headed our merry way home. Here's a couple snapshots before we left for the night.
Well, Ryan and I got home and that's where the fun began. This not so fun thing called contractions. Yep, not so smart Amber.
It was a slightly anxious (and a little bit uncomfortable) night as we waited to see if I could slow things down with rest, water, relaxation and medicine or if we'd be making a trip in to the doctor.
Thankfully things slowed down and minus the beating I was giving myself for pushing myself more than I should have, babies seemed to be doing well.
As the week progressed I took it very easy. And while I felt better each day, my doctor did have me head in to get monitored tuesday night to make sure we didn't have any preterm labor occurring. Thankfully, all that was discovered that night was my pre-registration info. : )
For a further safe guard, Dr. Nord also had me come into the office wednesday to check my cervix.
The good news? No dialating and internally the length of my cervix looked strong with no big worrisome changes.
The bad news? He says my cervix is 50% softened.
More good news? I'm not on bedrest.
More bad news? I have been given stern instructions to eliminate further shopping trips from my schedule as well as other activities that find me on my feet for any extended length of time.
Sigh. My beloved swimming is no more.
Dr. Nord thinks that for the most part, Sunday was just a result of doing too much.
However, it was a good wakeup call to me that I can't in any way try to pretend I don't need to dramatically slow down as I don't desire to meet these little girls any earlier than we need to. I really have been doing that at home - chicago just wasn't the brightest move.
But it does lead me to present you all with a prayer request.
Ryan started a new job position the beginning of this month. While we're excited and thankful for the opportunity, it does bring some heavy year-end work that needs to be done and will most likely require some longer hours through january and the first half of february. The big date to get through, Feb.16th.
37 weeks, which is the latest the babies will be born by, puts me at March 3rd.
See the small window here?
So our big prayer request here is obviously that babies can wait to be born as long as possible (I may have to repeat that to myself at the term used to describe Mary as "GREAT with child" is ringing closer and closer to home these days) : ).
Yet, if they do need to come earlier, our prayer request is that they can wait until after Feb. 16th (which would put me around 35 weeks).
Even more specific?
That I can avoid bedrest through Feb. 16th.
As I think ahead to soaking in these last few months of relative quiet and time with just Ava and I, obviously bedrest doesn't fit my ideal of spending the time.
The two of us live a quiet life these days at home and I am able to take it pretty easy. I'm hoping it's a pattern we can continue for a while here.
And God bless a husband who helps out above and beyond what I could ever ask or hope!
We're so thankful that through this all, both girls continue to be very active and look great. Hopefully at my appt. next week we'll start getting an idea of their sizes too!
So that's our week's update!
On a little "lighter" note . . ..while in Chicago, Ryan and I bought these adorable bunny slippers for Ava.
They were supposed to be a christmas present but a certain daddy couldn't bear to wait. : ) So we went ahead and gave them to her.
She was pretty cute and got very excited.
That night after Ryan had put her to bed I checked on her as I headed upstairs.
This was the sight that greeted me.
How adorable she is! And those bunny slippers, I can see how Daddy couldn't wait!
All the best as you try to keep your babies inside until that perfect window. Sounds like this is a Christmas that can just come to you, you don't need to soup it up too much for a two-year-old that won't remember much more than what you take pictures of.
Blessings to you this week!
Oh Amber-
You take it easy and let me know if you need some help.
The bunny slippers are so fun - but little Ava's heart to wear them to sleep is priceless! I bet you were thrilled you didn't wait to give them to her Ryan! :) Great to catch up on your updates! love & hugs, mom
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