Ava is 18 months old today . . .going on 5. Through the ups and downs that her increasing desire for independence brings, it has been so fun to watch her grow into more and more of a little girl and see her personality continue to shine. We're thankful for our busy, silly and ever snuggly monkey!
At her appt on friday Ava was:
Weight: 26 lb 14 oz (80%)
Height: 32 1/2" (70%)
Here's a couple snapshots from lately:
Addy and Brynne were over playing the other day. Ava had so much fun. I do have to say, though, I'll be quite glad when Ava's hair is grown out a little more AND she'll keep clips in. : )
Last night, before getting ready for bed, Ava was playing around the house. All of a sudden she came around the corner quite pleased with herself. She had found a hidden paci (she only gets them going to bed now) AND got her boots on by herself. I thought it was pretty cute.
Amb - I love these pix!! ah - all of the girls look so old!!the "talk" is priceless. miss you...xoxo
love the "talk" too cute. =o)
Happy 18 months Ava! We think you are so cute and we love you too!
Noah saw your pictures and pointed and said AHVAH!!!! I think he likes you! :)
She is too cute. I love her half naked model pose with her boots. Love that girl- Happy 1 1/2!
Kelsey and Ava are def. related! That little shrugging of the shoulders, poking the belly button and putting the baby on the potty looks oh-so-familiar!
She is so stinkin cute! I love the last picture!
Oh, my- she is darling. Love the paci and boots pic!
Ryan, with all the great conversation (talks)with Ava, she will be very prepared for wonderful communication skills with her future husband! It has been said, that if a girl has great communcation with her father - it will be an asset with communcating with her husband! Just thought it might give you something to think about with your little girl growing up so fast! love, mom Bahr
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