Dr. Nord doesn't seem to be quite so anxious (probably why he is the doctor and I'm not?!!). : )
We didn't get a measurement of our munchkins today - one of the girls is so burrowed under the other, he had a rough time getting just a clear view on her heart to check her heartrate. However, both girls continue to look well, have strong heart rates, and move lots. For that, I can step outside of myself and be very thankful we've made it this far and that they can keep growing stronger.
We're somewhat back to our previous positions of baby - one of the girls did move partially head down, but her body still curves across me in a more transverse position while the other girl went back head up. Dr. Nord still feels like a c-section is our best option and both Ryan and I are in agreement that he's making the right call. It seems unlikely that even if one baby would be a successful vaginal delivery, that the second one would as well. At this point, I really feel like it's going to be our best option and (most of the time), am very ok with it.
So not alot of details for you this week . . .unless of course you were dying to know what I measured this week.
Those of you who guessed I wouldn't get this big were very sweet to humor me. : )
I think they may have used me as an oblivious model for this cartoon. I know I've seen this image in the mirror quite often lately. : )

So at this point, babies won't be making an appearance this week . . .unless they decide to surprise us.
And with that, this mommy is off to take a nap.
Hope you were able to get some rest Amber, and we pray that in the days ahead you can find rest and strength, inspite of the growing little angels. Take special care - our love & prayers are with you all. love forever, mom
you go girl!!! You are so close to the end and you have ran a good race... keep it up we will be praying for you!
AHHH that is great, so happy for you!! AND by the way you look great. K
Amber, continuing to praise God that you are doing so well and that the girls are doing so well... and that you are keeping such a good attitude through all of it.
Love you guys!
You look great! And I'm sure Dr. Nord does not want you to go too early because little girls don't develope their lung function until about 36-37 weeks. So you are almost there. Glad to hear that you are doing so great! Can't wait to hear the special news of the delivery. Pray all goes well.
Oh Amber - I feel for you - I can't wait until those sweet girls make an appearance! Your much loved!
Oh Amber, I remember those uncomfortable days. Definately praying for you. You have been blessed with a wonderful twin pregnancy. Can't wait to meet those sweet girls!
you are awesome amb!! and your sweet girls will be in the best hands of a mom! you are amazing and have been this whole pregnancy!! hugs to your tummy from auntie amy!! xoxo
What a great report! So glad you the girls are healthy and doing well! I'm excited to meet them! You're almost to the end, only a little bit longer!!!
you've done so well. i appreciate your peaceful spirit. just keep taking it day by day (and night too =) and your little girls will soon be here. hope you can get a good night's sleep. praying for all of you.
p.s. our twins turned 48 y/o today. they continue to bring much joy. :) :)
I am parying for you, girl! Hang in there! Just a little while longer and you'll get to see their beautiful faces!!! :)
I'm glad that everything is going great. I can't wait to meet these girls!!! I'm praying for you.
I am SO PROUD of you to have been able to keep those babies inside for 36 weeks! You are amazing! I am sure you are feeling so VERY out of room, but those girls have had such an amazing chance to incubate completely. Three cheers for you, mama! Keep working at getting lots of rest, it's the best thing you can do right now!
Still navigating my own newborn,
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