After a very busy past month of Ryan's work and other activities and an even crazier last week, we got to enjoy a fun night out as a family with NOTHING planned! :) So we headed out to spoil Ava a little and just relax.
I had to laugh at this picture - it kind of reminds me of those pictures you'll take of a 16 yr old on vacation that says, "I'm determined not to let you take a picture of me having fun." She really DOES like all the rides.

Ava and Daddy got to take an extra long ride on the carousel. You can see that "CHEESE" is finally starting to get figured out for picture taking. We'll get there!

YUMMY. This smoothie is really good mommy!


Ava's favorite ride by far was the ice cream truck. I think she would have ridden it all night!

And what would a fun family night out be without a trip to the gumball machine (Ava LOVES gum and shockingly does amazingly well chewing it - little pieces of course).

Ahh, nothing like a cheek full of gum.
(and no, she did not get the whole gumball in case anyone is panicking out there! : ) )

We then got to finish off the night at Petco . ..ahh the high life we live! : ) I bet you didn't know you can purchase a canary there for $500 though, did you?!?!
DID you buy a canary? I know how you love birds!
Looks like a great night- I'm excited for you guys to have some good quality time together!
What a fun night! I love nights out as a family just hanging out! Ava is just too cute! Maybe she could teach Noah how to chew gum, he still doesn't get the concept. :)
That looks like it was a fun night! Glad you got to enjoy little Ava! She is a doll.
How fun! I am glad you guys got through the "busy" time with Ryan's work! What a way to celebrate!
Looks like fun! You have such a little doll. How fun that there will be three of them soon!!!
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