We had Ava's birthday party with Ryan's family Sunday night. To say Ava was excited was an understatement. She even picked her birthday dinner: hot dogs, carrots & dip, grapes and macaroni and cheese. I know, someday I'll be WISHING that's what she asked for. : )

Let's just say that Ryan and I decided that if you could buy into Disney, it might be a more cost effective route than we think the next few years might be.

Grandpa and Olivia

Hanging out with Aunt Callie

Ava had asked and asked for a baby doll she can take swimming. So when she excitedly opened one up from Uncle David and Aunt Tara, we had to give her a test run.

Playing with her new trains from
Gpa and
some Kate cheese

That whole "pumping" thing is kind of hard

Kate thought that whole "swinging" thing was hard

Helping Olivia down the slide

Kate and Ava are quite the buddies of late. It's fun to watch my girls interact together more and more and see their individual relationships form. Sisters are something special.

We tried for a family shot and actually did pretty decent. I like this crew . . .a lot.
All the "kids"

cake time!

You could say Kate likes ice cream . . .
alot. Maybe one day I'll have to post the video.

Olivia tries some of Grandma's.

I'm totally being patronized here. : )

Playing school with Aunt Tara & Uncle David

Mommy and Kate
Oh to be 3 years old and have so many birthday parties with so much love!! Thanks for sharing the photos - longsome for all of you. love, mom
cole cant wait to celebrate with you and ava!!! xoxo
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