Organizing Mom and Dad's desk

Playing with (or on) our toys

What does the trash hold today?

WHAT? My sister gave it to me (from the trash) . . .

Holding up the kitchen light

"Won't my mommy be so proud of me . . . ."

Plugging up the outlets

Checking the diaper cream supply

Helping Daddy fix
something . . .

Putting sister to bed

Alphabetizing the DVD's

1 . . .2 . . . 3 . . . .

. . . BREAK (you have to rest somewhere).
Getting mommy a kleenex

say "CHEESE" for the camera again (man, mommy's hounding us today)

If I could just climb up here, I'd get a better look at Tess (the neighbor's dog)

Almost there . . .


Chatting after lunch

Cleaning the toilets

Just in case you ever wondered what life with twin one year olds is like. The reality is that I took most of these picture
one afternoon a
month ago. Let's just say they haven't slowed down any yet. : )
amber! adorable post. great way to chronicle their lives right now! craziness!! :)
oh my, that is hilarious! Those girls are double trouble!! It tired me out just looking at the pictures. :) But you are in good company - Levi is very similar to them. :)
That was all just ONE DAY?! Wow. They have way too much energy.
Actually, all but one of the pictures was over the span of only about an hour. It was one day that I was totally done in with trying to keep them out of stuff, thinking, "no one will believe me . . ." what our days look like and so decided for the pure sake of memories some day, to start snapping pictures.
You knew it was bad as Kate and Olivia stopped jumping when I'd see them doing something they weren't supposed to be doing . . .and just smile at the camera. Probably didn't help with teaching them boundaries, but made for some cute pictures. : )
Oh -and Jami . . .to respond to your last comment on my other post, yes, I have the women's sanctuary devotion bible and LOVE it.
In our titus bible study, I kept loving it when Kristy would use it (she told me she has "heard" from you) . . .and I asked for it for christmas. It's been my favorite gift.
Oh, my!!! Those girls. : ) They are too funny.
God has blessed you with a great sense of humor - and an abundance of love for your little angels! Can't wait to see you all tonight -I wonder what side of the family those girls got all their ideas and creative moments from?????
love forever, mom
Such a funny post, Amber! They are hilarious, and you are such a good mommy! It was fun catching up with you last week. Love you lots! Come see us again soon!!!
They're getting cuter everytime I see pictures of them!
I can't wait to show Michaela these pictures. She so adores your girls. If you ever need a babysitter bring them over to our house and I will help her watch them for you guys. She'd love it!
what an awesome mom you are amb!!!! miss you!! xoxo
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