Our little buttons
(Olivia is on the left, Kate is on the right)
Well we made it home this afternoon . ..ready or not! : ) However, it has been so fun reading everyone's comments and emails. We feel very loved! Please don't take it personally if you don't hear back or find me a little slow on the upload/response. Mommy is moving a little slow these days! But know we've appreciated all the love, encouragement and prayers!
We come home with such thankful hearts. Both girls are doing so well - Kate left the hospital at 5 lb, 6 oz and Olivia left at 5 lb, 3 oz.
As I've told several already, it amazes me how within 12 hours of having them with us, two very distinct personalities have emerged. Kate is our slight, how should I say it, drama queen?! She seems to have no problem letting herself be heard . . .or even expressing what she seems to think Olivia should. Even the nurses have gotten a few chuckles out of her. Olivia seems to take life in stride and save her opinion for the times it seems most urgent. Regardless, both have stolen our hearts and I know it will be an adventure watching them grow together. They make me smile often throughout the day.
Each girl looks a little more different than the other with each new day to me. But I keep waiting with interest to see what the final genetic tests say regarding if they are identical or not. They send the placenta away for testing and we may not hear back for another week and a half.
Ava has been incredible with both the girls - she absolutely loves her babies. At first glance of them, her most common reaction is outstretched arms as she says "Hold you. Hold you." Our biggest battle is convincing her that she needs to sit down to hold them. She's done better than I expected with us all home tonight and when getting jealous, is thus far distracted fairly easily. It is so fun to see her interact with them.
Daddy has been a trooper trying to meet all his girls needs: playing with Ava, snuggling a hungry baby or making up for many of mommy's physical (and lets face it . . .emotional :) ) needs.
Mommy . . .well, mommy is taking one day at a time right now. In all reality, the c-section and immediate recovery went absolutely great. I've been so thankful for two healthy and overall very happy little girls, nursing that has gone better than I could hope and lots of great help. I've said over and over that as I consider so many of the details that I worried about preceding these little girl's arrivals, all I can keep saying is "Wow God."
This last day has been probably been my roughest (beyond immediate surgery), so I find myself laying very low tonight. It makes me thankful for such great help with family. My mom has been such huge help around the home and now with the babies . . . and Ava leaves tomorrow to go play with Grandpa and Grandma Prevo for a little while. So I know all my girls are in great hands which enables me to slow down as needed. We are blessed!
Ok, I'll stop talking since I know my ramblings are the last reason many of you have checked my blog. :) Here's a couple more pictures of our little girls from this afternoon . ..I'll try to post more as we get a chance these next days/weeks.
Amber, my eyes were filled with tears as I read this post. We are so thankful for your rapidly growing healthy family!!! The girls are beautiful! As far as the c-section goes I really feel that days 3 and 4 after surgery are the worst, it is all up-hill from there, stay on top of your pain, and do not OVERDOIT!! I know easier said than done! We will be praying for you.
Amber - what a beautiful post, and an even more beautiful family. Your girls are so precious! They are too cute, and Ava appears to be falling right into the big sister role. I love the way the girls look in Ryan's arms - just little peanuts! Take it easy and let yourself rest. We will be praying for you as you recover and your family!
OH, they are so cute!!! I can't wait to see them and cuddle them! They do look TINY in Ryan's arms!! We will continue to pray for your recovery Amber. I'm thankful for all the help you're getting so you can rest as much as possible!
Oh Amber they are so tiny!! Crazy for me to think that Paige was 5lbs 9oz when she was born. I can't remember what she got down to but I can't wait to see them and remember how little she was too! :)
Thanks for sharing...I'm praising God with you guys! I love you!
OHHH so excitied and they are so cute. Glad to hear you are doing well. Praying for you and take it easy. If you need someone to take Ava for awhile (even when grandma is gone) call us. Much Love
thankful everyone is home tonight and that you have wonderful help. try to rest and give your body time to recoup. big sister ava looks so gentle with her kisses for kate & olivia. remembering you with prayer, teresa c.
I'm amazed, excited, touched, and yeah, you're not the only one that's emotional! :) I was finding myself getting teared up just looking at your pictures. Thanks for posting, Amb. I can't wait to meet those little honeys. :)
Amber, you're girls are such little angels! Soooo precious and perfect aren't they? What miracles! Kirsten's right c-sections aren't so bad, it gets better I promise!!! Take it easy and let everyone take care of you...I know easier said then done, but do it for your girls as well as for yourself. Praying for you. Love you!
Molly (Ben and Sam too!) :)
Your girls are little angels. I love you Amb! Kisses from
Auntie Amy for all 3 girls!!!
Jami, I forgot Paige was that little! They are pretty sweet to cuddle. :)
I loved reading your update. It is fun to hear how you are doing. Glad you are settling in at home and that things are going well. I too got emotional when reading your post. love you lots!
They're just darling! Welcome home, and take it easy. Love the pic's!
Thanks for the update! They are so beautiful. You have such a darling family. I'm so thankful for all the ways God has been providing for you. He is faithful!!!
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