Welcome Kate and Olivia!!!
Kate Amber
born: 7:32 a.m. on March 3rd
weight: 5 lbs 12 ozs
length: 18.5 ins
Olivia Mae
born: 7:33 a.m. on March 3rd
weight: 5 lbs 10 ozs
length: 18.5 ins
Can you tell them apart?!?
Our little (but growing rapidly) family. I praise God for these girls in my life. If I get to the end of my days and all I have to show for my life is my faith in my Jesus and these 4 girls that have stolen my heart, I will be satisfied and want for nothing more to show.
OH that is precious!!! You all look great. Much love and many blessing
They are beautiful, Congratulations! So excited and thankful for Kate and Olivia's safe arrival. Can't wait to meet them.
Great Uncle Jeff and Great Aunt Jackie
Hugs and Kisses from Atlanta to three adorable precious girls - Kate, Olivia & Ava!!!
We love you Prevo Family and are so excited to come see you!!!
Aunt Amy & Uncle Ken, Sophie & Cole
Wow! What gorgeous little girls!!
Congratulations, Ryan & Amber!
Klint and Sarah
Congratulations! They are so cute!!
Hallelujah! Congratulations you two!!! You have 2 beautiful new additions to your family!! I am so thrilled that all are healthy and doing well. Your family is so precious!!! =)
Congrats Prevo family! They are darling! Ryan, you are going to have to bolt the doors in a few years with all those beautiful girlies!!
Congratulations!!! SO thankful everything went well. Love the names...so pretty. What a great day for little girls to be born, in Japan it's 'Little Girls Day'...it's also Bek's birthday.
-Heidi Rink.
so precious! praising God everything went well!
Congrats! They are absolutely beautiful! So glad they arrived safe.
Oh I'm so so so excited!! Praising God for safe and healthy delivery and babies!! :)
We love you!
yay!!!! i'm soooo glad to hear that everything went well!!! yeah, it's fun that they're born on 'girl's day'...in japan. not that it means anything to you, but still. congratulations!!! what a fun little family. :)
what a wonderful day!! wondered if they would be born today (it's also my husband's birthday)?!?! praising God that mommy & babies are doing well. thanks for posting pictures ~ they are darling!! congratulations on your precious family. grateful all arrived safely. love & prayers, teresa c
Congratulations Prevo family! They are precious. We will be thinking of you and praying for you in the days ahead (especially during those late night feedings!)
Congrats!!!! They are so sweet! We are thankful everyone's doing well. We are continuing to pray for you!
Congrats to you all!! They are beautiful! So glad all is well. May the Lord continue to bless you!!
They are BEAUTIFUL! Congrats you guys- that is so exciting!
Congrats!!!!They are so precious! So thankful they have arrived and everyone is safe and sound. We will be praying as you make the transition home. Love you guys!
Oh my, they are just beautiful!!! We are so thrilled for you guys.
They are too cute, and I love their cheeks- they look squeezable already! And Ava looks like a great big sister too... continue to praise God that they made it here safely. Love you guys!
Congrats Amber and Ryan! What a total blessing. We will continue to pray for a smooth healing process for you Amber and that these two little ones can be at home in your arms on Friday. And, of course that Ryan continues to do well. :)
I'm back! I just had to look at their darling little faces again! I love you guys!!
They are so cute!!! What a beautiful little family! So thankful everything went good and I can't wait to hold those girls soon!
We serve an amazing God!! What a beautiful family you all are!!!
Congratulations! Maybe it's tough to tell from just a couple pics, but they DO look alike! Enjoy your time in the hospital where you can hopefully get some rest. :)
Congratulations on your new arrivals!! They are beautiful. Hope that you are doing well, and will pray for you as you transition into a family of 5!!
Oh this is wonderful! congrats! Praying for you!
Beautiful...you all are just beautiful! Congrats--I can't wait to show Mariah & Jaelah these pictures when they get home from school :)
Praising God for your sweet miracles,
I'm so happy for you! Glad the girls arrived safely
Laura & Mark
Congratulations! I'm so glad everything went well.
What beautiful blessings! We will continue to pray for you! Love you!
Ben, Molly & Sam :)
Wow! Congrats! We are so excited for your family and look forward to meeting the new Prevos.
Congrats you guys, glad all went well
Congratulations, on the arrival of Kate & Olivia! How exciting and wishing you all the best!
~ Tasha
I was just thinking of you so ran out to check the blog before going to bed. I was so excited to see the pictures and hear your good news! May God give you healing and strength in the coming days and be with you as you care for your beautiful babies. Have fun!
Congrats to Dad and Mom Bahr!! :)
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