Ryan and I each have a college roommate and close friends who have spent the past 5 years down in Magdalena, Mexico serving at an orphanage there. While I still can't believe it took us 5 years, we finally were able to get down and visit them and see their daily lives. It was such a blessing - not only to be with them but to see how clearly God is using every individual down there to permanently affect the hearts and lives of each child there. I didn't take lots of pictures, but here's a few.
Our first morning there (after being up and traveling roughly 18 + hours the day before), we got to spend the morning with Seth at Keith and Emily's for breakfast. It was so fun to catch up and just relax . . .and the fact that I got to snuggle Keith and Emily's sweet new Brielle for long periods of time was a double bonus.
One of Seth's boys, Michael, hung close to Ryan most of the time there. It was fun to watch them together.
Some of the boys playing
Helping in the kitchen
The sanctuary they have there on campus I think is beautiful - this picture doesn't do it justice. It was really neat to be able to see the people that come, share a service with them and see God's work in action.
How Carissa and I spent much of our
Saturday - getting the meat ready for
Sunday's dinner.
Katie is opening up the most adorable coffee shop in town. We got to go visit it
Sunday afternoon. If I could, I'd totally go spend quiet afternoons there! It has atmosphere, good books and lots of delicious stuff to drink and eat. We
definitely pray God will bless her dream and vision to touch the lives of those in Magdalena.
Ryan and I got to go visit the downtown area . . .a little sunny. : )
They have a nice tradition of smashing a birthday person's face in their birthday cake . . .since Ryan's birthday was going to be the day after we left, we HAD to indulge the kids. : ) Ava still quite get over this one. She keeps asking, "Why did they push Daddy's face in the cake?!"
Our last morning on campus with Seth and Carissa
Thanks for your incredible hospitality and friendship. We were blessed by your hearts of service and trust that God will continue to give you the daily wisdom, love and patience : ) you need for every moment.
I've been waiting for these pictures :)
Glad to see you had a good time! Looks like a blast!
So neat to see pics of your time down there! It looks like a great place! I'm glad you were able to get away!
Isn't it such a blessing!! Last time we got to take Graham down to meet Fede, our sponsor kid. It was SO special. Part of my heart is there for sure! We get to go again in Feb and I can't wait! I haven't seen Katie's shop or the finished sanctuary or school or the sausage factory! It will be fun to see the kids too. I am so glad you guys got to go down there!!
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