Over Labor Day weekend we went camping up in Michigan with Ryan's family. I was a little apprehensive how it would go with 3 little munchkins running around but truth be told, my girls are probably better campers than me! They loved it and we had lots of great help. The weather turned cold on us but we bundled up and had fun despite the cooler temperatures. The downside? I think I was too busy trying to stay warm to pull my camera out often. So here's a couple glimpses into the times I did.
Uncle David's glad we only have 3 children right now : )

The campground had a jumping "pillow" - a big inflatable trampoline in the ground. The twins loved it and Ava gradually warmed to it (a familiar scenario is our house)

Ava and Daddy

Daddy and Kate

Jumping on her own

Olivia tried out face painting for the first time - she was trying to figure out what the world was going on

We tried to get a picture of the 3 girls afterwards. Just one of those warm fuzzy moments throughout my days. : )

Ava loved her butterfly

Kate playing on the slide
Something is wrong with this picture? . . .

Busy coloring

A camping must? eating lots of snacks

I tried to make Ava take a quiet time the first day we were there and put her in Mom and Dad's pop-up so she wouldn't disturb the twins. After a few minutes, we saw someone spying on us. : )

On a
side note - as of this past
thursday, Ava's
paci is no more. We had some sad moments but overall she's done really well.
We spent hours worth of our days walking/biking up and down the campground roads. I thought Kate and Olivia were going to walk their legs off. No idea how I didn't get a shot of them on one of their walks but Ava loved riding her bike so much.

Sunday morning we had "
sunday school" with a live re-enactment of "The Good Samaritan." Ava was excited and ready to go with her church candy.

Grandpa (the good
Samaritan) helping poor Uncle David out.

Kate and Olivia were intrigued.

Olivia snuggling Grandpa (candy and all)

We had one afternoon warm up enough to get to the beach. It was still breezy and cool but the girls didn't mind in the least. At the twins' age, Ava HATED the sand. Kate and Olivia couldn't get enough. It was so fun to see all the girls having so much fun.
Kate thought the tubes looked fun until she felt the water. COLD.

Ava had a ball playing in the sand and water. At point she thought she wanted to join Grandpa, Aunt Callie, Uncle David and Aunt Tara in the water. She got about waist deep and turned back. Smart like her mommy. : )

Olivia loved splashing.

Kate decided she preferred the sand.

This picture just makes me laugh a little

Building with Daddy in the sand

I was glad they were having fun. I was happier that someone "had" to stay out by the girls. : )

Snack time!

Taking a break from the wind

Ava trying to get warm again - I think it's fair to say she probably gets this more from her mom than her dad. : )

The finished projects (with a little help from Grandpa and Daddy)

Putting on the finishing details
It sure looks like a fun camping trip!! That picture of the girls with their painted faces made me laugh out loud! I love your honesty and showing us the way life truly is! SO FUNNY! I sure love all those fun girls!!
Fun times...the effort to get there and unpack seems to always be worth it in the end.
Looks like alot of memorable moments - photo keepsakes! Great to hear all enjoyed the camping adventures and had so much fun. Wondering how soon you will want to use Alisa & Keith's pop up! love, mom
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