We had a simpler valentine's this year but still with lots of snuggles. When Valentine's falls in the middle of Daddy's busiest week at work, you find other ways to make the day special.
We had a Valentine's "party" over lunch (I wonder how long I can make the idea of a "party" go over with only special plates, napkins and a bit of candy?!)

The girls getting their valentine's presents

So I've been feeling really guilty that I never bake with the twins like I do with Ava. So I figured we'd start small and make some simple mix cookies to decorate. The girls were so excited and all scooted up to the counter.

Olivia taking her turn to mix

Kate takes a try

And then everyone got some dough to pat into cookies.

And that's where the fun quickly ended. Olivia thought the fun part of cookies was smashing the ones that Ava was diligently working on. Kate thought the fun part of cookies was smashing any and all dough in sight and then throwing it all on the floor. Ava just got completely aggravated. Mommy wasn't very fun behind . . . : )
And so we quickly put the cookies in the oven, put the twins down for a nap and Ava
thoroughly enjoyed decorating all the cookies herself. : )

I've decided I will no longer feel guilty. We'll try again in a while. : )
Ava was so excited to go pick out some roses for Grandma-Great . . .and she ended up being able to keep them herself. She was quite happy to have them.

We did get to eat a quick dinner with Daddy before he headed back into work.
And we set in for a girl's night.
Jammies, sleeping bags and Tinkerbell to watch.
Kate and Ava snuggle close

They make some pretty cute valentine's dates - wouldn't you say!
Cookies, roses, snuggles and fun - looks like you made the best of Valentines Day with Ryan hard at work to take care of all of you!! Thank goodness for naptime - Ava's smile decorating cookies looks like she was making the most of it! Hope you all have a great week with Aunts and Auburn coming into town!! Wish I could come too....love & hugs, mom Bahr
ps the kitchen cabinets and counter look great!
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