I'm a little late in posting but we did receive our January Numbers at the end of the month.
Girl Number: 101
Boy Number: 80
Can I ask for your prayers for the Ethiopia adoption program? Across agencies everywhere, the program feels much at a stand still. While much of this slow down occurred last year when Ethiopia's MOWA decreased the number of adoptions they were processing, the huge delays and slow downs are now largely due to our own US Embassy. Children are passing court in Ethiopia (and legally adopted in the Ethiopia court system) but hold ups in our government are what are preventing them from coming home.
I could go into many details, but really, we just all need your prayers. As the wait stretches longer and longer, to be this far back and see so little movement can get discouraging. Not to mention the families who thought their children would be home long ago and wait at the top, or even more so, the families who have known their child's face, held them in their arms, and are waiting on our own government just to bring them home.
We did not begin this journey for a "fast adoption." We didn't begin this journey for an "easy adoption." We began this journey because God called us to it. So we will sit and trust and wait. . .
trusting, waiting and praying for 'all' your family.
with love and hugs!
oh amb - my heart with you. my heart is with all 5 of you. xoxo
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