And it's all in one post. : ) I know you're all anxious to hear who won the t-shirts, but Ava wanted to share something fun. No, she didn't get her ears pierced. But her Daddy DID buy her a beautiful pair of pink, butterfly, clip-on earrings tonight. To say our little girl was thrilled is an understatement. It was pretty cute - it'd have been cuter if they didn't make her look far too old for her mommy's liking. Kate had to get in on the fun too.
But then it was on to business!
Ava was my official name picker.
Drum roll please.
The winner of the kids t-shirt?
We do things high tech around here I tell you.
So get me sizes girls and we'll have your t-shirts sent your way. So fun!!!
But WAIT!!!!!!!!
there's more.
Sad you didn't get your own Ordinary Hero T-shirt? You CAN!!!
As of tomorrow, Ordinary Hero is offering YOU a sale and all their adoption affiliates a matching grant option.
The entire Ordinary Hero store will be 20% off!!!
And Ordinary Hero is offering $500 to their biggest fundraiser from midnight tonight through sunday, $300 to the 2nd highest and $200 to the third.
If you choose to shop, please remember to select our name during checkout under "affiliates."
I feel like this blog has been way too much about fundraising as of late, but it is a reality of adoption. And another big reality of our busy life lately is that I haven't had time to sit down and catch up with life and photos. I'm hoping that will start soon. I'm ready for a change of pace around here. Thanks for sticking with us!
YAY!!I'm SO excited!! I can't wait to look through and pick a shirt out for one of the boys!! And yippee for you that I have TWO boys who MUST have identical shirts, so I'll HAVE to buy the other boy a matching shirt! ;) I'll e-mail you and let you know!
AVA is growing up so fast!!!! She is a doll!! xoxo
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