I'm having such fun with the age the twins are at right now.
Well most days. : ) I always say this is the most fun of ages and most exhausting - because these two girls make 2 tornado paths through my house daily . . .and OFTEN.
But little girls are emerging, they love to laugh and they make their mommy smile so often.
The girls LOVE to go "by, by." They've totally figured it out. If I even look like I could go "by, by" they are heading to the door, waving and saying "by, by, by, by." And if they can't go. Life is SAD.
Olivia all ready but nowhere to go.
Kate wanted to take her doll "by, by"
"No way, really?"
"You're really silly."
And if case you weren't sick of pictures of these two munchkins, you can take a peek at their 1 yr shots at http://www.yrmsproofs.com/pickpic/gallery/splash.php?gallery_id=1059. Password is "aprevo." Thanks for such awesome pictures Chanel . . .I think (now if we could only decide). : )
So funny! I love the picture story of the girls giggling - so cute!
Woman!! How in the world are you going to pick your favorite pictures?! I was going to tell you my favorites but I really couldn't decide! Absolutely precious!!
Oh my goodness Amber!! The girls have grown up so! (even Ava!) The 1 year pictures are so beautiful. I don't know how you will decide. You have a beautiful family!
adorable, adorable!!! i wish i could stop by...!!!! xoxo
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