Monday, October 13, 2008

pregnancy glow - hah!

they say "pregnancy glow" is a beautiful part of pregnancy. Being that I didn't actually start breaking out until college, I can remember several times thinking, "well, at least when I'm pregnant I'll have good skin."


I don't know about you, but when it comes to beautiful skin in pregnancy, I missed out.

On Ask Dr., I found the following paragraph:

"The "pregnancy glow." The glow that others notice (though you may not) isn't just a sentimental old wives' term. This facial shine actually has a biological basis. The increased volume of blood causes the cheeks to take on an attractive blush, because of the many blood vessels just below the skin's surface. On top of this redness, the increased secretions of the oil glands give the skin a waxy sheen. The flushed face on many pregnant women is similar to the one non-pregnant people experience when they are excited, cry, or do anything that increases their heart rate (which pregnancy does constantly). "

Well Dr. Sears, I don't know if I would classify my "glow" as an "attractive blush." Instead, a more accurate description would be "a facial shine/waxy sheen that gives way to a generous out-pouring of deep pimples across the face."

Although, truth be told, his explanation does help explain some of why my outbreaks are so bad this pregnancy (though they were bad with Ava too). If it has anything to do with an increased blood supply, the books I've read say that while a pregnant woman's blood volume with a single baby increases by about 40%, a woman carryin twins sees an increase in blood volume by 100%! No wonder my skin has been so generously blessed with holiday decoration this time around.

Now don't get me wrong. Overall (ignoring the first trimester) I love pregnancy and think it really is a beautiful part of God's creation. It's not always all fun and games, but throughout it all, I never can get over the complete miracle the whole process is and what a gift I've been given to experience. There was a time in my life, I wasn't sure if that was a gift I had lost and that isn't something I've ever taken for granted.

But pregnancy glow?

Sure, just ignore the pile of oil on the ground by my feet. : )


Brooke said...

You make me laugh! I've never noticed your "holiday decoration," but I will never forget my pregnancy skin and a certain experience... A coworker said, "is this from pregnancy?" (indicating my newest breakout)... to which I replied, "actually, I always have bad skin- just a little worse in pregnancy. Thanks for noticing!"

Gotta love it.

Mindy said...

Oh, Amber you are still beautiful! I had the same problem when I was pregnant with Noah. I actually went to a dermatologist for help. I got some pills that were prego safe and they cleared up my complexion. Then when I was pregnant with Levi I never broke out! I'm not sure what the difference was but I was glad to not have to spend $30 a month on acne medication the second time around! :)

Mindy said...

BTW...You're been tagged!

Jenna said...

:) I am the same way.. yeah and the whole thick hair thing... didn't happen.

L, Ann and boys said...

hee heee...I love it. Not in a mean way of course, I loved the post because I can so relate. Right before I found out I was prego I was scanning the skin care shelves for products with huge amounts of salacilic acid to handle my newly wacked out skin. The "glow" really takes a back seat to the break outs in my opinion too. But I think the real glow comes after the babies are born... =o)


Anonymous said...

Would a rosey nose qualify for 'facial glow'?? Wonder what Dr. has to say about the 'after pregnancy' stage of life! There will always be something to keep us humble, and keep the 'beauty industry' in business. You are beautiful Amber, and you radiate beauty in so many ways. Looking forward to seeing you soon! love & hugs, mom

Marla H. said...

You've been tagged. If you haven't been already....the rules are on my blog post. Have fun!

Unknown said...

as your big sister i will say:

shut up! enough!

you are gorgeous.


i love you amber leigh!


Katie said...

You are a very beatiful prego person. You are glowing. I can't wait until they are here.