In March, Ryan and I took a rare open day and got to go meet another family in our agency at a great Ethiopian restaurant in downtown Chicago and just enjoy a day as a family. Ryan and I had been there before but it was our girls' first taste of authentic Ethiopian cuisine (besides their mom's one time attempt at home). We were a little unsure how they would do. But it helped so much having been there before as we could order towards what we thought they would enjoy.
Our girls all liked the sambusa appetizers (essentially a fried wonton with filling) and Ava shocked us by being really willing to try quite a bit of the other dishes we ordered. We ventured out a little and tried a new tilapia dish that we loved as well. It was so special to be there as a family and think forward to the day we'll be able to share it with our child.
A quick family shot (as good as it got)
Ava loved the fish - I was so impressed with her!
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