Mother's Day we got to spend with lots of family. I have to say, that as we pursue this adoption journey, my eyes have been opened even more to what an immense blessing and gift it is to watch my girls grow up day to day. Even on the hardest of days, these girls bless my life more than I could ever begin to express. I love the gift it is to hear each giggle, see each new milestone or achievement and enjoy the proud smiles that light their faces.
Ava, Kate and Olivia, I am SO thankful to be your mommy. I pray that Jesus can continue to be your joy as you grow into the Godly women I already see forming. Your daddy and I are so blessed because of each of you!
A quick shot of mommy and her girls before church
The girls excited about their own little table
We celebrated my birthday too - as always I had eager helpers to help blow out the candles
Serving cake is a serious matter for my 3 frosting lovers
Just in case I ever wondered why my kids like to be with family (which I don't), this kind of sums it up.
Mother and Daughter
3 children swinging.
4 adults entertaining. : )
Olivia, my little nut
A rare shot of Ryan, David, Callie and Mom. I'm thankful for her hand in Ryan's life.
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